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Family Mission Trip - March 2023

Friday, March 31

We began our day excitedly preparing for some very special guests - children from a local orphanage. Gary and Joanne had sent an invitation for the children to come to the C-Quest base for a morning of fun with all of us and we wanted to make sure that everything was ready for them.

The moment when the children arrived was very exciting. It was a wonderful idea to have each of our five families paired with two of the children so that we could really get to know the children and ensure that each one felt personally welcomed and seen.

First up was the beach! We were told that for some of the children, this could be their very first time at the ocean so the level of excitement was high! The ocean was calling and the children didn’t waste any time getting in to splash around. Following that, each family and their two guests got to work making a sand creation. The results were incredible - from Mayan villages to a beautiful Mexican oasis and temple, a life-sized merman and a giant fish surrounded by seaweed! Next, all of the children were excited to head back to the base for some fun in the pool followed by a delicious bbq lunch on the back porch thanks to our volunteer cooks.

Before saying goodbye to our new friends, the children lined up to take a swing at the piñata and each got to share in the bounty of candy once it was smashed open. It was a wonderful feeling to know that we had the opportunity to laugh and connect with some new friends and know that we had done our very best to shower them with God’s love.

We took our show on the road again tonight to a church called Espiga in Merida. We had so much fun sharing our program with the kids there as they were very enthusiastic. We were also struck by the impressive number of youth and young adult volunteers who were really engaged with the kids. We could see that their children’s ministry under the leadership of Isaac and Finny is thriving!

We feel like an important truth that God showed us today is to be open to the situations that He gives us. Connecting in another language, adjusting to a new culture, and most clearly shown today, trying to bond with people coming from completely different situations that we can’t understand. These all require openness. God places us in situations like this because he knows that we will learn from them and they are a part of His plan for us.

The Fisher Family

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