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Our hearts are filled with gratitude for a week rich with experience. Gracias Señor Jesus for your Church.

This morning in Mérida, Pastor Miguel taught us that Cristo (Christ) is building his Church. We also learned we can find true rest in faith; we must be obedient in faith; and we must give thanks. Gracias Espíritu Santo (Holy Spirit) for speaking through Pastor Miguel.

After hearing stories of the Yucatán peoples’ faith, how they choose to live their lives “sold-out to their Salvador” (Saviour), we knew we were sitting at the feet of spiritual giants.

On Tuesday evening in Hunucma we saw the hope that pastor Ricardo brings to the people of this pueblo. Faith in action was obvious as he cared for the very poor. The building he hopes will house the people of this church is currently tarps strung from pillars. Pillars that one day, si Dios quiere (God willing), will be a completed church.

And on Thursday we visited land donated to Iglesia Jesus Puerta Del Cielo where Pastor Miguel envisions a building to house those who make up this church. Gracias pastor Miguel for demonstrating obedience in faith!

Pastor Miguel also introduced us to Estela. Estela amazed us all as she shared her journey of faith caring for the elderly in Casa de los Abuelos (grandparents' home). She told us about the vision God had given her, and how the Yucatán state government and OXXO (a retail chain) stepped-up to fund a new, much needed facility for these elderly people. The way this funding came is nothing short of a miracle. A miracle that would not have transpired, had Estela not walked in faithful obedience.

On Friday in Flamboyones we witnessed the power of safe refuge at Hope Centre, where children living there find refuge to live safely and securely away from the brokenness of this town. These children know that they are truly safe inside, allowing them to drop their guard and let others into their lives. They accepted us like they had known us for their whole lives. Sandra and Alvaro, the directors, demonstrate obedience to Christ, bearing great fruit among these children.

Finally, we saw Pastor Gama’s great vision for a children’s camp, which is under construction. Much of the funding for this project has its origins from Albertans willing to be obedient to God’s prompting and donating in faith so that the camp will be operational one day. We witnessed the fruit of faithfulness from both pastor Gama, as well as from those who have given of their time and resources, believing that God will establish this site.

As we reflect on what we have learned and seen, we say thanks to all who have prayed for us and for C-Quest!

Gracias Padre!

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