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Bethany Mexico Mission Trip Update - Day 2 & 3

Day 2

The most impactful part of today was attending the Spanish service at the Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana "Jesus" in Progreso. Many of the group were blessed when the congregation laid hands on the team and prayed over us. Worshipping with brothers and sisters of a different culture reminded me that our God is the God of the universe - we all worship the same God. The younger members of our team had a great time at children's church and made friends quickly. We marvel at how easily the little ones made connections - something we adults can emulate. It is an adventure and God is teaching us many lessons each day. Please continue to pray for us. That we may have the stamina and endurance we need for each day, especially for the younger members of the team. For emotional, physical and spiritual protection. Dios Te Bendiga (God bless you), The Louie family on behalf of the team

Day 3

In spite of the early hour we started our day with devotions, a little apprehensive at the thought of it being the day of our first program presentation. We packed the vans and headed for Hunucma,the village of a new church plant that Pastor Ricardo (who had planted churches throughout the Yucatan Peninsula) has recently begun - this area being one where he has found much idolatry. Our hearts sank a little at the overt poverty. Nonetheless, those gathered enjoyed fully the lively songs, the drama, the puppets, drime and course the toys, face painting and balloon animals that were handed out at the end. Dale was able to show a little boy how to throw a Frisbee and get some new shoes - he has a new friend. We enjoyed a picnic lunch at the small plaza in the Centre of town. Then we returned for a work bee at the site of the church to be! Pastor Ricardo's love for the people is contagious and it is such a blessing to be a part of what we believe God is doing there in Hunucma. Thank you all for your prayers. God is at work and we are thankful. Do continue to pray for strength, health and the moving of God's Spirit in and through us. Que Dios les Bendiga! (God bless you) Edith and Dale McGregor for the Team

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