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Camp John 3:16 (The Bridge)

Today was an exciting day! We had the opportunity to work at a camp called "John 3:16" that is just in its early building stage. It’s owned by a man name Gama and he has quite a wild testimony. We were at the camp painting on the inside of the building in this multi-purpose room that is going to be used for many things, for example dining and sleeping. They could hang hammocks all around the room for the beds, which I thought was really interesting.

We worked there until lunch time which was amazing. They made us a Yucatecan meal of salbutes which is basically fried tortillas with pulled chicken, along with the best pop I think I have ever had. They offered us some spicy sauce that I tried. They mentioned how it is worse the day after and it was. After lunch they took us to see their two acres of tomatoes and their papayas. It was quite the sight, especially knowing that only about four people pant and harvest all of it. When we left Gama's camp "John 3:16" they took us to a town called Tixkuncheil and we did our program there. It was a blast and we had over 150 people hear about Jesus! As Eli was giving the invitation we heard people praying the words he was saying and I saw many people bowing their heads as well. Gama was invited with open arms to do ministry in the town and it was the first time C-quest had ever been there, so I would say it was a very successful program event. God surely blessed us today. The heat held off so that we could all get a good day of work and recuperate. All together today was a great day!

-Alex Marchi

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